Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Love without boundaries.

Let it be known, that I will always believe that Love wins every battle.
I will always believe that this kind of love stands up and fights in the face of those who cast judgement about things they have no idea about.
'Right' and 'wrong' can be arbitrary and confusing concepts, especially when you have to reconcile your opinion with your beliefs.

And either way, the situation is there... and its not going to change any time soon. You can choose to accept it, and risk people thinking that you have missed something vital in the 'Word'. When all the while, you know what the Bible says. You know it says this isn't cool. Yet, for me... I can no more believe that white people are superior than I can believe that gay people should have less rights than the straight ones. And my heart beats, and it burns to know God more. So does the heart of the one I love that is going through all this. I can breathe in the relief that, I myself, am not gay. I can live in the reality that I am very straight, and that pre-disposition sets me up for greater success and acceptance in this world. And nobody is turning their back on their faith right now, just wading through piles of questions. How do you hear God's voice through the other voices clogging up the communication lines?

Believe it or not, I just had a person I have never met question my relationship with God because of my associations. At first, I was shocked. Then I was kinda angry. Then sad. Then, I realized that I better get my attitude in check, and let this offence fall off me like water off a duck's back. He asked, 'How can you be a Christian when you have such a close friend who is gay?'. After the initial feeling of wanting to punch him in the face for saying that, I wondered how often I judge people's situations without knowing the story behind it. How often do I ask these questions in my head, or assume someone has a sub-standard spiritual life because of who they hang out with or the opinions that they hold. Maybe we all think these things, just most of us have the sensibility not to say them out loud.

CS Lewis said that 'Love becomes a demon, the moment it becomes a god'. Agreed.
My love for any human, will never ever be more important than my love for God. I hope I live my life around enough people who would hold me to that. But, I will live my life with all kinds of people, who make all kinds of choices and I will love them honestly, passionately, protectively and genuinely until the day I die. My loyalty will not just attach itself to people who do everything I say, and choose everything I choose.
Jesus's didn't.
The end.